A hallway draped in white sheets becomes a portal into an incredible , unexpected dream space. Upon entering, a moment to catch my breath and I find myself now in a magical forest as if transported. You have now entered into ECHO the imaginary world of artist Leah Brown on display at the Young at Art Museum in Davie, FL.
The installation is fabricated with sculpture, drapery and video projection.
The museum invites you to experience a haunting fabric landscape, enhanced with video projection, hybrid creatures made from clay, found objects, fabric and hair . The objects are cast into plaster, reinforced with fiberglass, creating a dreamlike white, shimmering wonderland.
The visual experience somewhat overwhelming is filled with pathways of fantastical images in this dream like landscape.
Reflecting illusions of pools of water surround a forest of hybrid imaginary creatures.
Bringing you closer to observe a character and Brown's attention to detail.
My extraordinary YAA host Yumina Myers related stories of the children visiting the installation and how when it comes to dreaming the kids would open up quickly, sharing their experiences. One young camper who visited the exhibit more than once told her that some of the characters in the exhibit visited her in her dream one night! She also pointed out a casting of a reclining figure that was none other than one of the museums visionary founders, Mindy Shrago.
Mirrors scaled to the size of the museums visitors echo throughout this amazing invented space. Every where I turned I was met by surreal entities.
After my guide escorted me out of the fantasy and back through the museum I can not adequately describe the myriad of displays offered to children of all ages. Adults will feel tempted to interact with different rooms in the museum which is designed to teach art through interactive exhibits. The children and adults alike will be amazed at this very special place.
Walking by Pablo Cano's creative puppets where he stages performances of his characters made from found objects.
As I made my way back to the subway room where my projector was set up and ready to go, I was inspired and happy to share my art with the kids where I orchestrated a project using a surrealists imagination. Thank you, Young at Art for providing rich art experiences for children and parents too!