How does your garden grow? With Kale, broccoli, basil and tomatoes all in a row. Our home has been a developing tropical garden paradise for many years now. The trees we planted are large, mature and the plants have grown from a few too many. A goal was to add more color and flowers. And thanks to the gifts of friends my orchid collection is growing and blooming.
I’ve been talking about making a vegetable garden for a while but this winter, when the humidity and climate much more motivating the garden was official. And after lovingly tending to it for several weeks I am beginning to see some great results! We’ve made tomato sauce with the fresh basil, oregano and rosemary, enjoyed home grown pineapples and the strawberries are flowering leaving a baby fruit.
Baby pineapple.
Strawberries and oregano bottom right.
Cherry tomatoes
It has been two years since I stopped teaching. I needed to tend my interior garden, my family garden my health garden and my art garden. What an incredible blessing to have the ability to grow my personal gardens naturally. To be able to research potential seeds from around the world and bring them home, to be able to decide which seeds to plant is a rare opportunity for growth and change.
My new orchid. Thank you Mike Stanwyck for this amazing gift!
The seeds have been planted and the gardens are growing. I have a body of new work that can be plucked and framed. The fruits of my labor are many times challenging but always sweet.